pronađite ili ponudite posao
pronađite ili ponudite posao
Tražimo više zaposlenika za poziciju RADNIK NA ODRŽAVANJU
Ako imaš iskustva kao lakirer, stolar, mehaničar ili pitur, to je prednost!
Lokacija: Dubrovnik
Tvoji zadaci uključuju:
Što tražimo od tebe:
Što nudimo:
Ako si vrijedan, odgovoran i spreman na nove izazove, javi nam se što prije!
WE ARE HIRING at the SHIPYARD – Dubrovnik!
We are looking for multiple employees for the position of MAINTENANCE WORKER.
If you have experience as a painter, carpenter, mechanic, or ship painter, that is an advantage!
Location: Dubrovnik
Filipinos based in Croatia are especially welcome
Your tasks include:
What we expect from you:
What we offer:
If you are hardworking, responsible, and ready for new challenges, contact us as soon as possible!
Send your CV or message us directly in the inbox.